Nancy Hendricks

Born: perh bet 1785 and 1790.

Married: Nancy Hendricks married Pleasant Lilly 30 March 1803 in Harrison County.

Died: perh bet 1840 and 1850


1810 Census: A Pleasant Lilly appears in Nicholas Co., Kentucky. Oldest female aged 16-25 (born 1785-1794)

1820 Census: A Pleasant Lilly appears in Nicholas Co., Kentucky. Oldest female aged 26-44 (born 1776-1794)

1830 Census: A Pleasant Lilly appears in Nicholas Co., Kentucky. Oldest female aged 40-49 (born 1781-1790)

Inventory: Pleasant Lilly apparently died between 1830 and 1839. An inventory of his estate is noted in Nicholas County Index to Will Book C.

1840 Census: A Nancy Lilly appears in Carlisle, Nicholas Co., Kentucky. The oldest female is aged 50 to 60 (born 1780 to 1790).

1850 Census: Nancy Lilly is not found.


If you have any information about Nancy (Hendricks) Lilly, please e-mail me.