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Letter to Paul B, June 2, 1919

[Received June 3, 1919]

1211 Dakota St. Danville Ill Jn. 2. 1919

My Dear precious Boy:- Well! just to know you are in Chicago this morning would be a joy to my longing heart. According to your letter you were to start Sat. sometime, and the papers states that you are to parade in Chicago today at 11 oc AM. How we would love to see the parade that our dear Soldier boy was in We could have gotten a pass but it seems there is so much uncertainty about the sections getting in on the day that is first planned so as I am good for nothing for such a trip daddy didn't make any preparations for the trip not even for himself he could have gone without me. but we wasn't sure enough of your getting there today. Arthur & Fleda were down yesterday and Fleda wanted to get everything in motion for us four - yes and Olan too - to hike out on the real early train this morning and go and see you and hear your band and see such a big lot of Soldiers at one time. The weather is awful hot too to stand in a big jam of people so perhaps we are better off at home. and I am sorter like you I would like our first meeting to be in the sacred place we call home my ears will be strained for the faintest sound of the foot steps of my darling boy over threshold of "Home Sweet Home" whose "Welcome" is in every sound of the balmy June breeze for you dear boy. When Fleda was reading your letter written on Mothers Day out loud. and where you said all you ask was to set your feet in the inside of front door of home once more she broke down and cried and after quite a little spell she finished it and Arthurs eyes were filled full too. So you may know all the loved ones at home are heart sick to see you and those too who are not right here but in Crawford, Okla. Cal. etc. besides many loving friends. Dear I just wonder what day - or night you will get home this week. I say this week for I hope it wont go into another one. I did think I wouldnt write any more. But got to thinking it would do you good to hear from home when you got to Camp Grant. So after getting the first clothes on to boil and the others are soaking I thought I would scratch you a few? lines. The sweat is standing on my face in beads. The roses are in bloom every thing looks so nice out doors but if it stays dry it wont be so nice long. Well buddy hurry and get home if it is in the midnight hours I wont get scared for I am looking & listening for you.

Well I wont take any more time as I must got to the wash tub "so long" till we meet face to face

Trusting your trip will be made in safety and soon.

I am your Loving Mother who waits for you with open arms and loving heart

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June 1919















